Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stain Removal for Permanent Red Marker

I would like to share a story about stain removal with all you Super Moms and Clean Freaks. 

When my daughter was 2 years old she was one of those kids who know that “the entire world is her playground!” There was no sacred ground other than the ground she walked, stood, sat, peed, stained, played, colored, ran, hopped, and looked upon. All other creatures are there for her pleasure and service. We are all just "Minions" of the great 2 year old goddess. Sound familiar? 

So one day I had gone downstairs to do some laundry. You know, using "Stain Removers" and "fabric softeners" and the likes. Heaven forbid that I was distracted for a period not more than ten minutes! 

As I headed back upstairs my matronly tuned ears picked up that horrifying, sinister giggle that only a 2 year old goddess could compose. I tried to tell myself it was just a lack of caffeine and I was not really hearing any such nonsense. As I came into view of the living room opening I could almost smell the sinister giggling. It was real. As I came around the corner, there in full view to the world was my little "Picasso" exercising the latest in art tools, the "Permanent Red Marker". In mono color she had stained the beautiful cream colored walls in geometrically challenged shapes and figurines.  

This was not in my "daily cleaning checklist" or even my "cleaning schedule" for the year. I released a gasp, not one of the pleasurable kind, but one that sounded like a deflating balloon that learned to speak the language “Expletive”.  

I didn’t know what to do. So what did I do?  I called Mom, of course. I mean, I must have taught her a thing or two about "stain removal" when I was a 2 year old goddess. She snickered, a ‘ninner ninner nit nit’ ditty. In fact, I think she got younger in the one minute it took to explain my predicament.  After the immediate effects of gloating wore off she told me about this yellowish type all purpose substance called Awesome. It is available at the reputable Family Dollar and Wal-Mart establishments. 

So I found my fairy princess wand, AKA the Caravan key, and tied my little Picasso into a plush fabric transportation throne, and off we went on an adventure to find the magical "stain removal" elixir named "Awesome" that promised to banish the evil red from the innocent living room walls. Our adventure took us to a kid loving "ice cream" parlor and a "debit card" sucking "gas station" but we did find our elixir. 

So armed and dangerous I entered the ring to battle the evil red stains. BAM! BAM! ( I  should say.. SHHHH!.... SHHHH!) I fired the yellowish elixir and the red began to shrink and fade, like the evil green witch from "Wizard of Oz". I could almost hear the famous “I’m melting, I’m melting! sizzle…sizzle, it was working. The red didn’t stand a chance. I was awesome, pun intended. With a few more squirts and a bit of scrubbing this wall and scrubbing that wall the red was banished from the land of the living room. I think I am supposed to have a fun little song here but the "Munchkins" are already under contract. Sorry! 

So I thought wow if this works against the evil red it must against other evil stains. What an "Awesome stain removal" product for "permanent marker cleanup" and some of the toughest stains.  It works great as a "degreaser" and "grime remover".

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